World Cities sign post

8 February 1981 - distance in metres from Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane, Australia

- winter vacation from Port Hardy, BC was 2 weeks that became 4 weeks in Australia. Flew via CPAir
from Vancouver, BC via Honolulu to Sydney, thence Ansett Airlines to Brisbane. Rented a car, drove
50 kms north to Noosa Heads on the Pacific coast . Then planned to drive south 100 miles &
50 kms inland each day exploring for 14 days. At end of the 14 days, the plan was to fly back to
Port Hardy.
However, as I was flying standby on CPAir , I couldn’t because both Quantas & Air New Zealand
were On Strike = no space on CPAir. Eventually paid 50% full fare to fly home; but, in meantime
enjoyed the 95F sunshine and Australian hospitality !
